All Your Questions, Answered
What time is check-in and check-out?
Check-in is at 4:00 pm and check-out is at 12:00 pm.
Does the hotel have a pool?
Yes, our heated outdoor plunge-style pool is open daily, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Does the hotel offer valet parking?
Yes, valet parking is available and is priced at $29 per day. Event parking is $12 and outlet parking starts at $8 (fees and taxes may apply). All oversized vehicles are priced at $34 and event at $17 (no cargo vans or RV’s).
Can I bring my dog?
Yes, we welcome your furry friend. The hotel allows one dog, weighing up to 40 pounds, per room. There is a $150 non-refundable fee per room, per stay.
How late is the Fitness Center open?
The Fitness Center is open daily, 24 hours a day.
Does the hotel have a spa?
Yes, our onsite Spa is open Tuesday to Sunday. Visit the Ama Spa website for details.